I'm the type of a person who doesn't have any knowledge of business or concept of money, and yes I had a hard time adjusting to this so called college life. If I have a 20 dollar bill in my pocket, it would definitely be gone in matter of an hour on useless things. According to a personality test that i was forced to take by my management professor, I'm just an impulsive person who genuinely enjoys life and appreciates the meaning of life altogether, which I agree one hundred percent, but it comes with consequences. If i were to own a brand, don't I at least need to a little bit of knowledge about this dog-eat-dog world?
University of Texas at Austin allows non-McComb's students to minor in business with a certificate program called Business Foundations.
( Isn't our business school like pretty up there in ranking?)
I mean, it only helps the fact that my Fashion Design degree plan has 4 out of 5 classes we need to take in order for me to receive the certificate but I am learning so much about the business world that I was never even interested in. One thing both of my marketing and management professors emphasized on is net working. During the Austin Fashion Week Mixer, Mary and I met so many local people that were into different businesses and it was quite nice talking to them about the fashion industry and share each other's ideas and about their lives in general. What else would you call this than net working?
I'm excited what other people we're going to run into in the future.
Meet Shristi Devu,
Name: Shristi Devu
School: University of Texas at Austin
Major: Biology Pre-Med
Wearing: Rompers from Wish ( Local Austin Boutique ), OVer the Shoulder from BCBG Generation and Shoes from Urban Outfitters
Current Obsession: Stereo Love by Edward Maya and Thai Tea from Coco's Cafe
Shristi's ultimate goal in life is to figure out what her goal is.
Meet Martha,
Name: Martha Lynn Barnes
Occupation: Hairstylist/Make-up Artist at Luxe Apothetique
Wearing: Dress from Urban Outfitters, Shoes from Nordstrom, sunglasses from Raybans
Current Obsession: scarves, Blue toe nail polish, People
Martha wants to own a salon in Austin to make the fashion industry more inclusive. Check out her website! marthalynnbarnes.com.
Meet Nicole,
Name: Nicole
Occupation: GSDM Advertising Agency
Alma Mater: Vanderbilt University in Advertising
Wearing: Dress from Urban Outfitters ($10), Boots from Suculence.
Current Obsession: Tim Delger
Meet Tim,
Name: Tim Delger
Occupation: Art Director at GSDM
Alma Mater: University of North Texas in Communication Design
Current Obsession: Beer (I always have a beer in my hand).
Wearing: Shirt from Club Monacco, Belt from Dillard's, Jeans from Imogen and Nelly (Custom Made), Shoes from Gilt Groupe.
Meet Ivy and Jonathan (left to right),
Name: Ivy Kim
Occupation: Hairstylist
Website: www.redhairsalonaustin.com
Wearing: Dress from Forever 21, Bag from BEBE.
Name: Jonathan Reyes
Occupation: Photographer
Website: www.flickr.com/lustrephotography
Meet Kellie,
Name: Kellie, Lewis
Occupation: Fashion Designer
Website: www.material-clothing.com
Current Obsession: high waisted shorts, Vintage, whatever fabric she's working with (pattern/colors)
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