Saturday, March 26, 2011

Meet Michelle


She first caught my attention when one of my friends randomly pointed at her walking down the Drag. Combination of her petiteness and her gigantic military bag, in addition to her chic and sporty bob definitely meant business. I ran after her, as always, totally disregarding her reaction towards my awkward encounter. Strangers usually always let us take pictures of them... at least in Austin, TX. But New York? Completely a different story. One time, this guy that I took a picture of charged at me, threatening me that he'll break my camera (Mary's) if I didn't delete his picture instantly.

She was a psychology student from California visiting Austin for SXSW. She came off very put-together, confident, and friendly, despite her fiercely intimidating bob. She plans to attend Grad-school for psychology here at University of Texas at Austin where it's known for their prestigious psychology program.

I sometimes wonder if my perception of UT would change if I was any other major than fashion design. I feel like a lot of my friends are very proud to be here wearing their burnt orange shirts, with their horns up high, making fun of A&M and OU whenever they get the chance. I definitely do feel like I'm getting that ideal "college experience" but I wouldn't go far as describing UT as the best school especially for me and what I want to accomplish in life.

In the end, I'm taking whatever I need to further better myself in the future and doing best as I can in the environment that I'm in. It might not be by choice, but why not make it worth awhile?

Here is Michelle,

Name: Michelle Yang
School: UCLA
Major: Psychology B.A.
Wearing: jacket from Echo Park and everything else from Rose Bowl Flea Market


I love how she described herself in complete contradiction. What is life without contradictions? And for those who incorporate contrasts into their wardrobe, I salute you.

Oh, and apparently, Rose Bowl Flea Market is the place to shop in SoCal. Second Sunday of every month, folks!

- Kaidon

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