I actually planned on staying in Austin for this spring break just because I always seem to be running short on $$$ so that I could pick up extra shifts at work for a week. This so called "break" came around at the perfect time along with two "important notices from the Dean's office" saying that if I don't attend classes everyday from now on until school ends, that I will fail miserably from the courses. What a great kick off to this perfect break that I've been dreading since school started back in January?
No, I am not in any way of trying to play the victim card, but I feel that it's a necessary feeling or a plateau you should or would go through during anyone's college careers. This academic "break" determines whether you want to proceed with getting your bachelors, or simply just drop out. I'm not the one to quit/brave enough (whichever you prefer) so dropping out is just a mere dream of mine, but everything happens for a reason, right?
I've reached the very low point of my life aka all I want to do is Tumblr but the reality of it is that because I've hit rock bottom according to the Dean via personal email, I definitely feel more motivated to do better in the fields of academics.
I'm not going to say in detail of how much more motivated but at least I am.
Wearing: Infinity scarf from Urban Outfitters, vintage Guess acid-wash denim jacket from Buffalo Exchange, BDG shirt from Urban Outfitters, leggings from American Apparel, lace-up boots from Topman, and studded clutch from Metro Park
I didn't really want to upload this look because it's a trainwreck hands-down but I needed something for this kick off post and this is all I had.
Little J, I love you. You're so smart you'll do great the remaining of this semester. Hopefully this means we'll have a ton more of study dates. :)
Thanks B and PCL rendezvous shall continue in the mere future!